Still many conveniences missing
Still many conveniences missing
Premium videos only buy monthly payment. But only for using the app. Watching the video via browser is for just one star. Before the invention of "premium videos" you deserved 5 stars!!!!
I spend a lot of time with this App. Its very good, but something i miss: to upgrade you need a credit card. It will be better if you can use an other payment like PayPal or Klarna. Being able to sort my channels on my own.
Love this apps
The iphone interface is a bit small but the app is useable. The problem is the many popup windows when the video takes us to another site! Makes it almost unusable if you are not on an iphone.
Use an iPhone and get nothing but the logo and then a black screen. Deleted and reinstalled and same thing.
This app gave me really easy access to videos my guests and I were in the mood to view. However, recently it had become slower-- lag, randomly closing, and the more frustrating paradigm for the communication issues with my Chromecast and it not playing videos. I figured since I had the 1st gen. device and not the 2nd, I went out and purchased a new device. It worked perfectly UNTIL... I went to load a third video to view and I got a message saying I needed to upgrade to pro. Ok, I tried and now come to find out, the app does NOT accept AMEX!! Now I am frustrated that all the extra money I put out just for this app and now it wont work. Sad. I will definitely leave a 5 star rating though for the quality of the app and its user-friendliness before all of this.
I like this app but it lags a lot now
Its cool, but some videos cant be searched because it doesnt have the same settings like the iPad version
Used to work great, but now the app will suddenly fade to an all black screen and become unresponsive. Have tried resetting phone and reinstalling app with no luck.
When it does work, its fine. But right now, I open it and the logo fades to black. All I see is a black screen. Cant do anything.
downloaded last week and it was working perfectly until today. now when opening the app all i can see is the logo which is followed by a black screen.. maybe it will work tomorrow?
Been using this app for years.
This app was fantastic. Its garbage now until an update is issued for iOS 10. Most videos dont play and the ones that do there is absolutely no video control. Play, pause and video scrolling no longer work. What a shame.
I Cant fast forward or skip part on any video on the app please fix this issue is only occurring on iOS 10 please update the app to support iOS 10 the video wont play correctly i cant skip or fast forward anymore.
I love using this app but it needs an update! Im unable to fastforward the video nor play/pause the video! Update!!!!!!
Its occasionally buggy but it really is a genius idea!!
I cant rewind, pause, or fast forward any of the videos on the app. I love the app, but this issue is making me have second thoughts
Theres a bug where u cant fast forward or rewind or have any play controls. They need to seriously update this app for iOS 10 support.
You have to pay for everything now. Cant watch anything unless youre a premium user.